Tuesday, October 20, 2009

you are too uptight

I know I know, it happened two weeks ago. It's funny, I haven't heard too much discussion about the prize lately and I think it just goes to illustrate my thoughts just that much more. I should preface this by saying as a Christian, most would say that I lean heavily conservative. I didn't vote for the president, but I feel nothing but goodwill towards him. The burden of leadership is not an easy task, particularly for the sincere of heart, which I believe he is. There are probably a plethora of things that we disagree on, but as a Marine I know that I could, and would, give my life for him.

With that at the fore, congratulations to President Obama on the Nobel Peace Prize! I think it is a wonderful and deserved award. It is my hope that the prize money (which you have reportedly donated to charity) is blessed by God and your fame a testament to His glory. This was my initial reaction to the news of this honor being bestowed him.

Unfortunately, there are a good number of critics who can't seem to celebrate another being honored. Funny, just weeks prior a certain Mr. West had to butt in and speak his mind about awards being unfairly given to the wrong person. Ironic, the President's label of West as a 'jackass' was nearly celebrated and universally lauded by all. In a similar event one man was given an award which was immediately criticized by critics everywhere. Polls were done, bumper sticker slogans splashed on the news and people became angry; for what?

More people remember the entertainment award winners (VMA, Oscars, Emmys, etc) for years (generations?) in comparison to the Nobel Peace Prize. Why is it so upsetting that President Obama won a prize that you didn't even know came out in October until 3 weeks ago? Why do you critics care? Is it so difficult to just put your biases aside and congratulate a winner?

Mr. West apologized, but is still considered a jackass by many. Perhaps Mr. West's label should be slapped a bit more firmly on those critics who cannot be humbled into graciously recognizing President Obama's and apologizing for their overtly political and illogical actions.

As for the argument that the President has done nothing; give it rest. He is President of the United States of America. There have only been 44 of them, so I'd say he's in fairly prestigious company. He's done a bit more than you just by getting there and certainly influenced more people. My guess is that you couldn't name one bill that he has introduced and helped pass not for lack of the evidence, but due to a lack of your interest.

All in all, it comes down to this. Stop being so damn uptight, and give your President props. He did what you will never do. (in the 1 in 6 800 000 000 chance that you receive the Nobel Peace Prize next year, congratulations)

1 comment:

Olin Kent Strader said...

One small point John. I assume when you are talking about your willingeness to take one for POTUS you mean in terms of "no greater love" and that you aren't talking about the oath you swore when you were inducted and subsequently promoted. As a follow on to that, I expect you know it was the Constitution we swore an oath to support and defend with our lives when we raised our right hands. But you knew that, right?