Saturday, May 16, 2009


Sing to the Lord and praise Him well,

for He has done incredible things!

Marvel at His wondrous beauty and might

for He works out all things for good

His right hand and His holy arm

has given you grace and made His will known.

The Lord has made known His salvation;

and revealed His righteousness to all people.

He has remembered His steadfast love and faithfulness

to the ones He chose before time was.

All the ends of the earth have seen

the salvation of our God.


Let nothing contain you; make a joyful noise to the Lord,

break free from your sin and into joyous song,

shout dance and sing the Almighty’s praise!

Sing praise to the Lord!

Let all the instruments praise His glory,

and be joyful before the King!


Let the oceans roar! Everything that fills it rejoice;

the world and all who live it in give praise!

The rivers rage with glory;

the hills cannot keep silent before the Lord,

for He comes to judge the earth in righteousness!

-Psalm 98 (paraphrased)

I was asked recently by a friend if I could be a bit quieter when I sing at church; apparently, I was distracting them.  I mumbled a very insincere okay, and begrudgingly put in the sincere effort the next two Sundays to comply from the request I felt should be labeled dubious at best.  The effort was futile though.  How can one keep from bursting from sorrow trying to keep the joy experienced from dwelling on the grace of God? 

The God has blessed us beyond comprehension.  Sinners who wreck and hate what He loves, delighting in our own foolishness before His glory; He loves us!  And we are supposed to be quiet? 

The Lord rules with perfect justice.  He condemns my sin and shows immeasurable grace by giving me the wisdom to discern what is right and good.  Yet I should contain my recognition of His righteousness?

The Creator, who created from nothing, allows me to revel in His creation.  Surely you who has found something more distracting than His beauty can tell us what it is!

The Almighty controls everything.  The ceaseless tides obey His command and not a hair falls from your head without His willing it.  But now you want to control the His praise?

The Savior resurrected Himself.  He was shamed by me and took my condemnation as His own, interceding on the behalf of a wretch!  Somehow, we find it reasonable to tone down our praise?

Rejoice you sinner!  Give Praise to the God; the Ruler and Creator of all things who has exercised His will, plucking your rebellious life from the depths of the greatest despair, who is the Messiah!  Fall down on your knees under the glory of God!  All of creation sings, do not be alone, sing a song!  Sing joyfully and without ceasing!  Let your heart be glad, for even the rocks cry out our Lord’s praise! 

God help our unbelief, our stubbornness and hatred of His glory.  Damn our pride now, so we can know only You.  For You alone are the I Am.  You alone are worthy!

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