Thursday, April 30, 2009


Why does it take so long and why is it so frustrating?

We are Christians; does our joy not come from doing right?  Can we not see how miserable the things of this world make us?  We bubble with the excitement of the possibility of fun, all the while brooding in our sin and becoming more and more depressed.  How can evil have such a hold on our hearts?

Get away from us Satan!  You cursed spirit!  You have no power, you have been made to bow, and you will bow before the Messiah.  Damn you and our sinful nature.  May their wills never come to pass!  God forgive us and help transform our hearts to your will obediently and with insurmountable joy!  Tune our hearts to sing your grace, proclaim your wisdom and celebrate in your glory!

 How can we feel such excitement about that which we know is evil?  Why can we not see how depressed we become even looking towards evil and how does the excitement continue? 

Empower us Lord, we do the things we do not want to do!  Grant us the strength to serve you today, the wisdom to discern right from wrong and the willingness to obey you.  We know what your will is, but we hate the way it challenges ours.  Change our desires Lord, they are ruining us!

God, I need to be encouraging to others.  I don’t know what that looks like.  I’ve never been encouraged, only affirmed.  Now, I do not even affirm!  I know it is necessary Lord, help me change.  Don’t let me become so sickened by sin that I despise the joy of overcoming it!   Bless my efforts at trying to understand encouragement and help me to remember my own sins.

I often want to avoid issues that I know I am sin in, despite the pain and depression that the sin causes; I have no desire to deal with it.  How often do I see this happening in other people, yet fail to minister them appropriately?  On that note, what is appropriate?  What finally causes that change apart from Christ granting the grace to see our sin and depression?

The chasm between our will and God’s perfection is so vast and great; I am in awe that He could love such a wretched people.  I can’t stop wondering why our praise to Him is not bursting out at every chance.  Would it be so wrong and harmful to shout in acclamation?  Why are we subdued about everything related to Christ?

Let’s praise God for His deliverance!  Let’s thank Him for His blessings!  Every good thing comes from Him!  Let all of nature, the rocks and streams, mountains and valleys sing! 

God grant us the strength to worship you and do what is right!  Help us take joy in the realization of your grace and love.  I despise the shame I feel of being in your presence, it can only be natural that anything apart from you would be shamed!  You alone are Holy!  What is anything that you are mindful of it?  Nothing compares to you!

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